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Old 2011-10-25, 00:34   Link #31
Duo Maxwell
A Proud Lolicon
Join Date: Dec 2006
Location: In front of my computer
Age: 37
^ Farden's Light and Shadow.

Couldn't figure out what's Farden. I only know they are going to meet that Iwak guy (the one at the bottom right image).
Spoiler for size:

Originally Posted by GN0010 Nosferatu View Post
The one thing that confuses me about this time travel spoiler, is...if the people in the future want the past to develop stronger weapons faster...why not just have the UE leave their dead? Seems kinda counter productive to have the UE (the single most advanced creation around in present) destroy their own to stop their tech from falling into the wrong (right) hands. Why is that?
See the current state of humanity? Even if one or two colony got destroyed, people still act as if it doesn't relate to them, since it happened from somewhere faraway.

Technology isn't the only problem. There are 2 situations if they do what you suggested:

1. Humanity destroy themselves because their technology developed too fast.
2. Humanity managed to defeat the UE too soon, thus lead to another peaceful time way before the time mark where they all got destroyed. History is going to repeat itself.

According to the leak, even with their current tech, the UE still got wiped out, so they need something stronger and more advanced, but such thing shouldn't be archived way too soon. We don't know if there is another AGE builder on UE side, which continuously obtain data from AGE, to improve their technology or not. Prolong the war could lead to technology advancing from both sides, which will help the future war.

Well, if everything is just someone bullshitting, then all of my point is moot, but that's what I'm thinking regarding the "leak".
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