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Old 2011-10-25, 07:06   Link #42
Kyero Fox
Tastes Cloudy
Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: Snake Way
Age: 35
Originally Posted by fict_ticious View Post
Bought it but juggling RL and 4 video games is a little difficult :V
Been getting my ass kicked in Dark Souls a lot so I started playing.
Points to ponder:
- Wii graphics! But it's nice and vibrant looking so it gets a pass. Bought it for PS3, btw.
- Camera controls are shit. I know the standard they developed for was Wii and that thing lacks a right stick, but ffs, camera control on the ps3's right stick please! Knocking could have been one of the many redundant buttons on the ps3 control scheme instead.
- HUD at first I thought was kinda noisy, but when you're switching between games it's actually pretty helpful :V
- Everyone on the island seems really okay with a girl being trapped in a dude's body. Almost TOO okay. As if they were expecting us all along...
- Farming less annoying but monster hunting more so.
- I tame every new bugger I come across. I also do a lot of releasing :V
- Monster AI is really inconsistent. They range from really passive to slapping your shit when the spawner decides all elephants and orcs.
- Do you guys bring monsters along with you? They useful?
- Even for those who aren't doing much producing/crafting, there are waaaay too many things to exploit in order to make money. Be creative and don't be afraid of being a dick (lol, haggling).
- Love the character interaction. My favorite so far was probably the trial of nerve. Having events where multiple game characters interact is quite fun and I hope there are a lot more of these.
- Level up cooking and crafting ASAP. If Sierra has weapon sale on the request board, grab it.
- Damn, some of these villagers have some expensive tastes.

So far my favorite characters are Odette, Sierra, Lily, and Mikoto. Odette gets me free meals, Sierra's got sex appeal, and Lily has some funny requests/events. I was quite mad when I saw Lily's swimsuit - it does nothing to emphasize her assets! Going to try the Mikoto route and her favorite stuff is easy to come by (fried fish/squid).
Maewen and then mikoto for me, maewen has the easiest loved item (Cloth and flowers)
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