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Old 2011-10-26, 21:54   Link #191
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Originally Posted by frubam View Post
I feel sorry for you Chidori/Sousuke fans. Clearly, Sousuke acknowledging Chidori as "Chidori"(her family name), yet acknowledging Tessarossa as "Tessa" shows that he cares for her moreso romantically than Chidori.

To clarify, laughing at you, not with you =P Sorry. Rude, I know, but here...

Sousuke only calls Tessa by "Tessa" because she requested it. Kaname has never requested Sousuke call her anything else, so he calls her by what he feels comfortable. He feels EXTREMELY uncomfortable calling Tessa by that nickname, and it shows. Every. Single. Time. He HATES being familiar with her. It goes against every fiber of his being, but he does it because she requested it and is his superior officer. He also is new at this "friendship" thing, and he values her friendship as well, so he does it despite his misgivings because he believes it's part of respecting her as a friend. (Not going to get into the rant about "If she respected him, she wouldn't force him to do things that make him uncomfortable." But think about it...)

No, he doesn't have a single romantic notion about the girl.

When he's speaking comfortably? He calls Tessa "Captain." Not even by a NAME. She's just "Captain." She is a rank to him.

When speaking comfortably with Kaname, yes, sure, it's Chidori. No honorifics (that's not how he rolls). Just Chidori. Not "Student Council Vice President." Not "Class Representative." It's "Chidori." He calls Hayashimizu by HIS rank (a bit exaggerated, but even so, it's a title he uses), and Kaname has those two school positions that Sousuke could refer to her as. She also has the codename Angel (although that would be awfully cheesy) that he could use, but does not. She is a name to him. Not a rank. Not a codename. She is a person with a name that he wants to use.

There's more I can point you to in how he refers to Kaname, but they're pretty novel-specific, and this is an anime thread. So, I'll stick with the points shown in the anime, and leave it as I have above.
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