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Old 2011-10-27, 15:42   Link #1244
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Join Date: Oct 2011
Originally Posted by JediNight View Post
Say what you will about the writing abilities of the author, the biggest issue so far has been how terrible the adaptation is.

Things are being introduced in the wrong order for a visual medium in a small number of episodes, way too much time being spent on currently unimportant areas, while the driving element of the initial hook goes mostly ignored for 3.5 episodes. Confession falls flat because we don't know the characters yet, etc.

And if these are issues in the original material, it's poor form not to fix them for the anime release. Way too many plot elements and characters are being introduced immediately to properly weave them into the story. I feel lost and they did a poor job of explaining the setting and that they believe it's the "end of the world" atm, etc...
I don't find the plot confusing at all. Most of the stuff that have happened have been introduction to the characters and to show a normal day for them. There is only 3 main plots going on as far as I have noticed.

1. Aoi Toori's confession to 'Horizon' or rather P-01s. You should be able to recognise these two by now.

2. The uprising and sabotage of the power plant. The why of the matter is a complete mystery so far, but the actual conflict should be obvious.

3. The spiriting away of nobles. The old dude who wrote the 'blank' papers is one who disappeared. Here we don't know anything about who or why it is going on. Only real clue is that it is most likely connected to 2 somehow.

Not that much to confused about really as most of it is a mystery to most of the cast.

I understand that such a large cast can be confusing, but you don't have to know the names of everyone. And if you have trouble with the names so is there always the bio page for the entire cast to look at to make it easier.
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