Thread: Licensed Rosario+Vampire Manga
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Old 2011-10-30, 10:29   Link #21198
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Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: Poland
Age: 38
Well, even if Alucard is going to awaken in the current arc (which is possible), I don't see the protagonist's being powerful enough to be able to defeat him, without either pulling a gigantic a**pull or seriously weakening Alucard's strength - since after such a build up that Alucard was given, even a seriously weakened Alucard should be able to defeat Tsukune and Moka who are logically infants compared to a 200 year's old vampire (at least, but Alucard is most likely older, since he's considered as the oldest vampire - I would say that Alucard has already lived for 1000 years, maybe he is even older then that ) .

Either way, if Alucard would be defeated in the current arc, I would be pretty disappointed and probably wouldn't have such an high opinion about Ikeda's writing skills that I currently have, so I hope that he's not going to go in that direction.

So, if Alucard is going to be the final boss of the series, since the author doesn't have any logical or believable way of making the protagonists be capable of defeating him in the current arc, it should be enough to say that the current arc won't be the last arc of this manga - I'm not even sure if Alucard is going to awaken in the current arc, and even if he will he will probably "go into hiding" , since he won't be strong enough to destroy the human world, not to mention that, there still some matter's that have been left unresolved, like the matter of the "egg" planted in the Yuki Onna village (and apparently some other places as well), what is going on within the Shuzen family, and some other matters as well.

In other words, I believe there is still enough material to continue this manga for some time, and since Ikeda continues to add new plot elements, like for example separating the Fairy Tale organization into two fractions, the revelation that Outer Moka is an "artificial personality" or the whole matter of "Shinso vampires", which has also been recently (in the previous arc) introduced - it seems that Ikeda hasn't lost interest in his story as well.
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