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Old 2011-10-31, 20:34   Link #11
worshipping the pantyhose
Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: Manila, Philippines
Originally Posted by Rozen Van Kaizer View Post
Hence why they are Egotistic, they never want any other girls to be better than them in anyway. Sena kinda has this trait, but so far Yozora is her only threat.... probably Rika on the way....
I definitely compare it more to "pride" rather than honesty. I... would go on about dictionary definitions, but those two cannot be compared.

Let's say, for example (I might not do this well in my current state of mind) when Sena wanted to join the club, she burst out saying "I want to have friends too". If that was a girl full of pride, she would probably say something along the lines of "A perfect person like me would be a perfect fit for this club, so let me show you commoners how to really make friends" and then follow that with a "hohoho", which isn't exactly honest

Another example would be the pool segment, Sena asked Kodaka to teach her how to swim. Going by the dictionary definition of Egotistic, when asked why she couldn't swim, she would have said something along the lines of "I'm betting I would swim easily if I tried". Clearly a big difference there, and why I feel she is more honest than prideful or egotistic.
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