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Old 2011-11-02, 13:55   Link #1341
Who am I?
Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: Babuyan Islands
I play Olaf (ph server though). After numerous attempts on searching for Olaf's specialties (be it jungling or whatnot). I ultimately dropped every other guide out there (I think so) and went on to play my Olaf the way I like it.

I usually play him if we have a support hero in our team (yes I lane him). I don't really care what type of support, be it buffs or heal. I always try to adjust the items I buy. Though, if ever I'm in lane with a support. Damn I level reckless swing ASAP. (vicious strike comes next, undertow just keeps on level1 on me no really!). Gear wise I get CDR as much as I can. (max out reckless swing is like 2.something seconds). More than enough even b/4 level12 or so to have massive kills. Especially on tanks/junglers. My runes/masteries are all basic ofal spec.

So there you have it. I'm not an HP spec'ed Olaf. I'm more of a AD/or rather DD to be honest. Late game my performance deteriorates since most of my team will be doing all the killing by then. I often be the "initial" attacker with reckless swing/undertow. Though I a more than capable of killing espcially in 1vs1. Since my build is more onto CDR, armor, and attack. I don't really care on attack speed. I even use CDR boots.

Dunno if I'm doing it right or whatnot. Though this type of build works for me. I just spam the hell out of reckless strike/swing whatever.
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