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Old 2011-11-05, 10:33   Link #4746
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Originally Posted by Ithekro View Post
Was he DFC domination really a Japan thing, or was it the foreigners?
That's a good question.

I think something else that perhaps can be taken out of this victory is the old adage "It's not about being the most loved, it's about being the least hated".

I say that because Mami Tomoe had very little screen-time, probably the least of all five Puella Magi.

But less screen-time means less chance to do something that'll bother/offend viewers. With the exception of a certain short scene in Episode 10, Mami consistently came out smelling like roses because she was never forced through tortured indecisiveness (Madoka), a slow tragic descent (Sayaka), or turning cold/cynical due to tragedies lived through (Homura and Kyouko).

That makes Mami's moe an unblemished one, in a sense.
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