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Old 2011-11-05, 10:44   Link #4747
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Originally Posted by Triple_R View Post
That's a good question.

I think something else that perhaps can be taken out of this victory is the old adage "It's not about being the most loved, it's about being the least hated".

I say that because Mami Tomoe had very little screen-time, probably the least of all five Puella Magi.

But less screen-time means less chance to do something that'll bother/offend viewers. With the exception of a certain short scene in Episode 10, Mami consistently came out smelling like roses because she was never forced through tortured indecisiveness (Madoka), a slow tragic descent (Sayaka), or turning cold/cynical due to tragedies lived through (Homura and Kyouko).

That makes Mami's moe an unblemished one, in a sense.
Mami has 2 very critical strike against her, the big one in ep 10, and a tiny but important one, that she didn't try hard enough for dialogue with Homura, in ep. 3. Each of the Mahou Shoujo in the series has their own faults and acts that can be viewed negatively, and I think that is part of the reason why this series can be considered as exceptional series worth of notice.
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