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Old 2011-11-13, 00:23   Link #48
Join Date: Jan 2009
Location: USA
Age: 38
That was awesome. It did jump around a tad, but what it jumps to easily makes it worth it.

I had a little laugh with Caster still insisting that Saber is Joan of Arc since I was like that when I played Fate. King Arthur being a girl was like whoa. But leave it to Nasu to change history, and the dictionary too, for his use.

Speaking of Caster, hurting those little kids... he needs a quick death. I am glad the gore from that was left out. Little kids... that's just... it's horrible! Horrible!

Originally Posted by Jaden View Post
The novel was a lot more descriptive about Kayneth and Kiritsugu's magic, as well as the mind games they played. Being in-depth and consistent about the rules and workings of magecraft is a staple in this and the related type-moon works.

But it's not like that is necessary for the story. For an anime, I actually prefer things more fast-paced like this.
The thing is, if we were to explain everything that was in the novel, it'd get boring. You read faster than you speak, so explaining things are quite different in a book. But I don't think they need to explain the magecraft since it's magic.

Originally Posted by Archon_Wing View Post
And once again Alexander steals the show, simply showing off the fact that he doesn't give a shit and will accept deliveries. Poor Waver can't hold his position as a master.
Rider is a riot, every time. I hope he and Waver learn to get along better. I mean, what's the big deal about buying the guy pants, lol.
I would rate this episode higher, but the abrupt ending to the episode really hurts. 8/10 for a strong showing.
The ending was an excellent cliffhanger. You gotta appreciate that.
Originally Posted by Triple_R View Post
6) Yuji Kajura finally showed in this episode the same sort of superb skill that helped make the Kara no Kyokai movies so critically acclaimed. Speaking of Kara no Kyokai, this episode reminded me a lot of that. ufotable should be commended for treating this anime TV series with the same care that it treated animated theatrical releases.
The music definitely was turned up in this episode. Good stuff here.

2. Not fond of Kiritsugu totally blowing off Saber. I know he wants to keep a tight leash on her more instinctively heroic qualities, but I don't see how giving her the total silent treatment helps his cause there.
I think he keeps her at a distance so that he can keep himself in check too. He might have more conflict with sending Saber out to fight if he gets too close to her. He's already unhappy with putting Iri in danger.

And add another to the harem and the temptation of running away might just win.
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