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Old 2011-11-13, 01:02   Link #51
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Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: Earth
I thought Saber's behavior was a bit contradicting this episode. She showed too much emotion for kids being hostage in an encounter. You would think that as a King who leads a country, you'll have no choice but to sacrifice them and look at the bigger picture in a war. Also, there was the other point how she was betrayed by her own country because (IIRC) her people saw her as a king "who did not know of human emotions".

It'd probably be more convincing if Saber showed discontent, but holds them back since its obviously a trap luring her out, and she should be used to seeing the whole picture in order to protect her country.

Anywho, I'd prolly give this a 10/10 if it didn't cut off when things started to get much more interesting. >.<
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