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Old 2011-11-15, 14:43   Link #643
Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: The town where Copernicus was born.
Age: 38
What about a "Most interesting posts thread" or "Posts recycle" thread where users could post links and fragments/parts of most interesting ideas/theories/reviews or other forms of written goods and discuss about something again (or for a first time). That way relatively new users would be able to read some insightful, attention grabbing, funny or in other way interesting opinions that were burrowed in tens of thousands of posts. I'm pretty sure that even old users would find such thread worth visiting just to remind themselves what they were discussing about 2, 3 or 4 years ago. I would also expect in this thread a lot of potential "told you so" posts. To be clear, not that people would actually start writing "told you so" but that people would link to posts that turned out to be spot on. The links should be properly named so that people would roughly know what they're clicking at.

Some examples (without naming since I don't even know whether it will pass or not and I don't want to a redundant work):

And last but not least:

Originally Posted by Cyclone
(...) So this leads me to think Option 2 might be the case - and off I go on my fanciful theory. What if Raphela did not die in the encounter with Luciela. Instead she managed to bring her back - at least partly. It would explain why she had never released her youki even once since Luciella awakened, since, presumably, the soul link would be lost if she had done so. If those 2 are alive, it's possible they ended up near Labona and met Galatea and decided to stick together and take care of Luciela. Luciela might occasionally be overcome with her youma self and completely devour the odd citizen here and there - which could explain the relatively infrequent feedings. If I somehow managed to guess right, we're in for a real treat of a fight in the holy city.
Cyclone has written it on a different forum hence quoting it instead of giving a link (you can easily google it though if you want to confirm he wrote it 4 years ago, so long before we knew about Raciella).

There are more but these are the ones I could find in a hurry.
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