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Old 2011-11-16, 21:04   Link #852
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Join Date: Sep 2011
Location: Cali, Colombia
Originally Posted by Etheral View Post
I speculated that Raki would use the synchronization youki (I think he's a male Claymore or some variant at this point.) to revive Claire but there is another possibility. The chapter specifically mentions the intentions of the evil doctor (forgot name), he wants the hand to return to its master implying some kind of link or ability. So there is the possibility of any one of the #1 AB's to go and revive Claire/Priscilla by the end of the chapter if the author so wishes. It may be improbable but not out of the realm of possibility.
The name of the evil doctor you mention is Daae.

I don’t think that Raki is something other than 100% human (at least I hope that he is still 100% human). The thing I like the most about him is that he is merely a human.

I like your theory about the revival of Claire/Priscilla. I was thinking that Priscilla, and later on Clare (since she can’t fly) might show up at staff, after breaking loose from the cocoon. Priscilla will sense the release of so much yoki by the new born AO’s, along with her essence within them, that she will be lured as Daae implies. So she will struggle and might break free because Clare cannot hold her anymore or because she decides to release her for some reason that’s important to her. Didn’t occur to me that one of the new AO’s could go to them. I will go for either scenario as long as it happens soon.

I agree with some of the things you say about how hard it was to convince Claymores to flee the north in order to stay alive. I will add that claymores are very stubborn and rather die than face dishonor and that Miria was afraid to share the information she knew because it was too controversial; she didn’t even mention all that she knew about the organization to her closest allies (Deneve, Clair and Helen). I think Miria, at that point, was not very loyal to the organization, but she remained loyal to the other claymores and to her beliefs.

I’m glad they held their ground and fought bravely at pieta because it’s a memorable scene, and in time, for that, they became legends. But if they had the chance to run away from Pieta like BlackMagister observes, I think that the best chance would have been after they defeated the first 3 AB’s. All the people where already evacuated from the town, they won a fight, and they now somewhat trusted each other more.
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