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Old 2011-11-16, 22:08   Link #857
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Originally Posted by Etheral View Post

I say he is a variant or something like it because I just don't think you can have priscilla's hand inside you and not have something happen. She said something about a gift, and I think it was more than just stopping him from death, she could have simply pulled them out if she wanted, but left a whole hand in there. It is possible he is still human, but it will explain better what we all know will soon be ridiculous moves in upcoming chapters that no amount of mastery of the sword can ever provide (although i won't really care too much ).

And that was my favorite Riful moment too. For a second I actually thought the Clamores avg. abilities might have become some higher level or something, made me smile when I was so wrong.
It was really weird that Priscilla left her arm instead of just pulling those things, yeah that could mean something extra, we will see if it increased his strength and/or gave him some abilities like regeneration. I hope not. I just think, Maybe the rods from the destroyer eat you after pulling them out, as they infect you with something. I remember Deneve chopping her own arm in order to get rid of one rod. She could have overreacted or maybe she just knew that the infection was gonna eat ya once the rod pierced you. And maybe that can explain as to why Priscilla left her arm on Raki’s back, she was maybe in a hurry too. But then again if that is true, when Dae removed the arm from raki, the infection would have killed him. But then again the infection might only live for a short period of time.

Yeah there is a lot that is not certain, I only hope that raki remains human and when he beaten up those mibs, he just let out the Chuck Norris in him.

I never seen a Claymore paralyzed by hopelessness, trembling with fear and sobbing like a 4 year old all in one before I saw Audrey as she was being wrapped by Rifuls ribbons. If was funny for me too. Not even Clarice has been so lame, she had her rooky moments, but she has made up for them.
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