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Old 2011-11-19, 06:47   Link #35010
Labda Prakarsa Nirwikara
Join Date: May 2010
Location: Pekanbaru (UTC+07:00)
Age: 37
Originally Posted by Rising Dragon View Post
Indeed, but what I'm writing will be using a lot more than four tentacles...
It depends on the number of the tentacles. The more they are, the less precise control you'll have on each tentacle since operating all of them would be a time-consuming.

If their number is absurdly many, then the best way is simply to swarm the prey with fast attacks from several angles.

If they're few, let say eight, then the basic is the same - box the target with four tentacles from multiple sides - but what the remaining four will do will depend on the target's reaction. I can think of having one tentacle act as bait, and as the target intercepted it the rest would grab his/her arms and legs before slowly squishing them.

It also depends on the nature of the tentacles. Are they strong? Can their edges be sharpened and used for stabbing attacks? Are they poisonous? Because IIRC Hydras (not the mythological creature) possess poisoned ones, making prey-capturing easier.
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