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Old 2011-11-20, 14:57   Link #3268
Join Date: Nov 2011
[quote]Well obviously he did it on purpose, but all it really shows us is that the Red Truth is absolutely arbitrary.

And if the Red Truth IS arbitrary, then he's basically just making a fool of himself. There's nothing clever in going "Hey trust this text" and then going "FOOLED YOU IT'S A RUSE". All it teaches readers is not to trust Ryukishi on anything.
It's not arbitrary, it's "literal truth." However, some people use literal truth to tell implicit lies, or use their power to keep other true statements from being made by bullying and coercion.

But I think we're talking confusingly about two different scenes. Are we talking about the scene where Kinzo is trying to get out of the study, or the giant dramatic Logic Error? Because I can see a psychological reason for the Red Truth abuse in the first case, and a contextual reason to use it in the second case. But a discussion of the second case probably belongs in the EP 6 thread.

I don't think that's really the approach Ryuukishi wanted.
"Anything is subjective" so by definition red "had" to be subjective.
The Red Truth is only as arbitrary as "literal" truth is. When agreement exists between the reader and the author as to what entities the Red Truth is referring to, the Red Truth must communicate true facts. For example, if both of us agree who "Shannon" is, then using "Shannon" to mean "Mick Jagger" in a Red Truth statement would break the rules.

Even when this is not the case - for example, when two readers disagree about what "24:00" means - the contradiction can be a signpost to an author or character's real intent.

For example, if I post, in Red, that "chips are generally round and flat/wrinkled," and another reader posts in Red that "chips are generally long and thin," we might realize that we are discussing different things.

The Browth Truth is something like Fridge Horror on TV Tropes (of which I will not link here as I do not want people disappearing for several months into that site... :3). Basically, it's something that is said which may or may not seem innocuous, but ultimately causes you to go "Oh SH--" through the horror of dawning realization. And thus the color, brown. How's that? 8)

In my opinion, that's sort of lame, since it's entirely dependent on subjective emotional responses.
Yes. If I make a Brown Truth statement, the emotional response of the person hearing will NOT retroactively change it to not be Brown Truth.

I could make a Brown Truth statement even if nobody were present but me. People actually do that, in a sense.

I will post more later, and I will post a satisfactory 'knock-exists' resolution to the knock and letter. I will also -

Officially, the change to and from DST takes place at 2:00 am local standard time (which is 3:00 am DST) on the appropriate Sunday.
That blow hit me, but I'm glad that you're choosing that avenue of attack! I can easily -

Indeed. However... The WST established by Japan in 1895 and the modern WST, which denotes Australian Western Standard Time, are not the same legal entity, even though they both refer to the UTC+8:00 time zone. Daylight Saving Time in particular is a feature of national policy and has no connection to which zone the nation is in.

So, why would Kinzo choose to align himself with western Australia (which only occasionally feels like trying out DST anyway)?

(This is the sound of a stake hitting the Witch of Doubt really hard.)
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