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Old 2011-11-26, 23:49   Link #97
Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Australia
Originally Posted by Spoonroo View Post
I agree - I don't get why some people here are saying that its confirmed that Masako and Kanba are brother and sister just because Masako said onii-chan - I've seen more than a few anime where a young person calls someone slightly older than them that they are are not related to at all onii-chan.

Also, the group that Kenzan leads has a fraternity/cult feel to it. In that case, they're all "brothers", and it makes sense for the leader to be "our father" to everyone in the group - they often refer to each other that way in real life in such groups. So Masako and Kanba don't necessarily need to be blood related.

I think people are jumping to conclusions (like about Mario being Himari's soulmate) too quickly yet again
I think she addressed him onii-sama, which is a more honourable way to address older brother. I don't know if it's natural to address someone outside your family onii-sama through.
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