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Old 2011-11-30, 18:12   Link #10580
Senior Member
Join Date: Sep 2011
@ Stratos - I'll read it later

@ Senpai - Just don't make it too angsty and dark. Everyone appreciates some serious issues here and there, but no one wants to read a light hearted/serious story jumping the shark and injecting everyone with the GD virus.

Still, I'm most interested in how you'll turn them into a nakama. In the novel, the girls are nice enough to each other and even offer to do favors for each other (Charlotte cheers up Cecilia, Rin offers to cook sweet dumplings for her when she wanted low fat desserts etc etc)

Side note - Do you really think Ange and Kuu are mean enough to place them in actual lethal traps? They only said they would be killed to make them put an actual effort in escaping. If they knew it was mostly harmless they wouldn't be trying to escape so hard or do things like Irish did.

Besides, this is better than the one where they get placed in actual lethal traps and they use more inhumane methods to escape (For example, Irish uses the trap to break his thumb in order to slip it through, rather than use it to break the bindings). Besides, most of the experiments later border on ridiculous (Ichika being sprayed with catnip then locked into a room full of cats) or borderline idiotic (Irish being forced to wear bunny ears after they get super glued on him).
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