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Old 2011-11-30, 23:48   Link #2509
Sunder the Gold
Senior Member
Join Date: Aug 2011
Everything COULD be reduced to that, but that's boring.

One possibility I thought of was that the Blob Monster was actually weakened by what Yuuno did to it; he basically softened it up for Nanoha.

Another possibility (which is not exclusive from the first), is that the red color of the sky (and the wierd colors overall) indicate that the Blob Monster caught Yuuno inside a field that had some sort of hostile effect on the boy; perhaps an area-wide Barrier Break function, or a general Anti-Magilink effect which the Monster was too power (and too simple) to be significantly bothered by.

Put together, the Monster used the AMF on Yuuno, but Yuuno's incomplete sealing managed to lock out that power.
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