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Old 2011-12-07, 01:36   Link #1
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One Piece - Chapter 649 [manga]

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Yeah, time to get this party started! T provides the goods, and APforum's CCC translated the summary:

-Chapter title is "Dance of the Bream and Flounder". The ministory shows Gan Fall and the Shandian chief hanging out.

-The human pirates are freed from custody and Neptune allows the remaining fish-pirates to stay on the island.... but only as manual laborers. The fish-people district has been blocked off, and the ringleaders of the coup (Hody, Decken, and the officers) are all in prison. As for Wadatsumi, he's been deported from the island and is being escorted to a far-off part of the ocean by the kraken.

-Jinbei refuses Luffy's request to join. He says he needs to fulfill his duties at the island for now, but is willing to join at a later time if Luffy asks him again. After that, everyone throws a party at the island.

-Robin takes the opportunity to speak with Neptune while everyone else is partying. Her conversation with the king reveals that the mysterious "Joy Boy" was a person who was alive during the lost century. Furthermore, it turns out that the apology he left on the poneglyph was directed towards that era's mermaid princess. Neptune explains that according to legends passed down through the royal bloodline, someone would uphold Joy Boy's promise until the "promised day" would come, and it was necessary to guard Noah until said day came.

-Robin reveals one more secret: She knew the location of the ancient weapon "Poseidon" from Skypiea's poneglyph. It was located at merman island all along. In fact, the weapon in question is actually the mermaid princess herself....!!!!

Wow.... lots of information revealed this chapter. I suppose Shira being the weapon was something we should have seen coming, since Neptune even said her power was capable of destroying the world. But damn, now I'm more interested in Joy Boy than ever before! I hope we at least get a silhouette of him or something when the actual chapter is released.....

And as for Jinbei..... I have nothing to add on that matter for the time being.
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