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Old 2011-12-07, 13:26   Link #12
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: Beside a road, next to a tree
Originally Posted by Duo Maxwell View Post
No, seriously. Rank mean jack shit. It only means the cost is higher and you have to play much more carefully. There are great C-rank suit, too. The only one who their cost isn't equal to their power is S rank.
If ranks still bother you, it just means you haven't played enough yet.
ok, show me video prove that some one using the startup zaku that everyone get for free to completely destroying anyone using a low end rank A machine. Can't do it can you? thought so. Tell me that rank don't matter is complete bullshit, bigger bullshit then when Obama lied to everyone that he will make everything better to get into the whitehouse. You can get your rank C machine up to custom 3 and it still get its ass handed back to you on a silver plate by a rookie rank A. 1 shot from a GM won't chip even 10% of the hp off a rank B machine, but 1 shot from a rank A machine will take at least 30% off, 50% a shot from wing zero from across the map outside the standard range of all non-sniping weapons. The only rank C machine that I know that can even stand a chance of fighting a high end rank B is the gunbarrel dagger, and you need to spam the dragoons and run like a boss to even have a chance of taking someone higher rank than it in a head on fight.
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