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Old 2011-12-09, 21:23   Link #37
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Join Date: Aug 2007
Originally Posted by Kazu-kun View Post
People use that term loosely. It doesn't mean they're wrong though. Personally, my problem with this "solution" is on the thematic department

I never said it would be a "good ending". It just not a deus ex machina so yes they are wrong. The term is being used incorrectly.

Even if there's a payment, it's still an easy way out, because it removes the need for the characters to take responsibility for their own actions. This is specially true for Penguindrum, where many of the characters fucked up their lives on their own accord. To bail them out with magic or whatever is most definitely a cop-out.
I am not arguing whether it's an easy way out. I don't disagree with anything you said here but that was not the point of my post.

However, I do think it is important to realize that when using the diary something is lost. Yes it is a magical solution (and I personally don't like those either) but it's not a magical solution where "everything" is fixed. It's a magical solution where things are fixed but something has to be lost in the process.

My main problem with that ending is it's way to predictable and seeing as how Ikuhara in a commentary laughed gleefully that he changed the Utena ending because he thought people would figure it out; well I just can't see him going that route.

And I mean come on through this entire series Ikuhara has been trying to fool the audience (and largely succeeding). Probably the one thing Penguindrum has been predictable about is its unpredictability.

Last edited by Kirarakim; 2011-12-09 at 21:35.
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