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Old 2011-12-11, 07:06   Link #73
Join Date: Oct 2011
Location: Arkansas
Age: 39
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Personally, I like them both..

Sena doesn't have any experience with females besides the servants at her house (which begs to the question why does she let Yozora's teasing get to her when Stella's teasing could be considered the same or worse...maybe its because Yozora's the same age?) so she doesn't know how to react properly to teasing and just 'horsing around' in general..

Yozora seems to lack the wisdom to know when 'too far, is too far' (Something I lack as well...and I'm 26! lol) so she tends to push Sena away in what seems to be a verbally (and sometimes physically) violent manner. A good example is the SPAM thing (even though I believe Sena would'v done the exact same thing given the chance) for a good example for physical...when Sena brought in eroge... can't tease fact..I'd be almost scared to cause you might set her off in a completely different direction than what you'd want *wink*
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