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Old 2004-12-11, 16:15   Link #223
Join Date: Jun 2003
Originally Posted by dreamless
Because we don't know what will happen in the future in our real world, but we know for sure what will happen in the future of the Macross world, we know in the Macross world technology completely triumphs over nature, humanity is saved by cloning technology and terraforming technology.
But we do know that for all the best efforts of humans in the past, many many many people have failed despite their best efforts. The Communists wanted a society that acknowledged every person as a human being and treated them equally; people gave their lives to overthrow the Czarist government and to install the Communist government. And what happened to Russia? Some of the most horrific leaders in recent history. From what I understand, Stalinist Russia was probably no better than the rule of the Nazis; the only thing is that they kept it inside of Russia so nobody cared. In the end, the Communist government was, at certain points anyway, probably worse than the Czarist government that it replaced.

As far as I am concerned, the fact that Macross is set in the future means very little. Kawamori isn't trying to predict the future for us, he's trying to tell us a story about humanity. And in this case that story involves people risking their whole lives for doomed causes. Because we are so inundated with movies and media now, there is no idea that is shocking to us. How many of you went insane with grief when the earth was destroyed at the beginning of SDF Macross? Not one, would be my guess. Because for all the fact that we don't want our own world to die, the earth in the Macross universe meant nothing to us at the time. We knew nothing about the people who lived there, what they did, etc. Now we have a little bit of backstory that, theoretically anyway, will add to the meaning of the Macross series that take place after it.

I also disagree that 'technology triumphs over nature'. I would say that man's use of technology balances itself out. Technology in conjunction with human nature drove man to the brink of destruction, and and technololgy in conjunction with another part of human nature brought him back from it. That's the whole dialogue in Macross, right? The pull between the part of us that leads to destruction and the part of us that leads to preservation and culture. But we know that the humans in SDF Macross were devastated when the earth was destroyed. And for all the technology they had, it was nature that brought forth those first few dandelions that Hikaru saw when he was flying patrol, not technology. In that sense, nature triumphs over technology.
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