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Old 2011-12-16, 22:40   Link #85
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Join Date: Dec 2005
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no problem. There is also a movie available which offer better visual (due to budget), although the story is no really related to the manga or TV series. Also there a 5 episode OVA that was release some 15 years ago as a stand along series. In any case Kikuko Inoue is the voice of Belldandy.

And you are right she is also the VA for the teacher in Onegai Teacher. She is one of the more legendary VA from late 80s to early 00s. Not as active right now due to age but she was dubbed as Goddess Voice because she does these type of roles extremely well. However, her voice style is very broad with more then a few cold, egotistic roles, though most of those are in games.

Since you pretty much done with 2000s anime it might be time to give a few 90s anime a shot. If you want, I would suggest you to try El Hazard. Graphically it is great for it's time and it'll still hold up right now IMO. The story also has a Zero no Tsukaima feel to it. Just keep in mind that there are two continuity for the franchise. The 3 OVA series forms it's own timeline while TV series showed another. General consensus is that OVAs (original) is the better of the two but TV is the "cuter" romance.

And considering this season is coming to an end in a week or two I also suggest Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai, Ben-to, Maken-ki, and C3 as potential series that could suit your taste.

EDIT: Apparently you have already started Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai, Ben-to is just as good, those a little bit more perverted and action heavy. Maken-ki on the other hand is pretty ecchi but doesn't have as good the story similar to Sekirei. Also just to make sure you know that this season also includes the final series for Shakugan no Shana.

BTW, have you checked out any other series from you maybe list like Hayate the Combat Butler!, Tokimeki Memorial ~Only Love~, or Kimikiss Pure Rouge
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