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Old 2011-12-27, 09:52   Link #145
Join Date: Dec 2011
Originally Posted by Soji View Post
I honestly would not surprise me much if it happens
Spoiler for spoiler:
I don't see a reason why not. The Void basically is the "form" of the person's heart. It reflects it's fears/hopes/etc... I don't think that the "void genome" cancels the user's void, but can't say for sure. The way I see it, only a complete sociopath with no emotions or feelings whatsoever would be unable to have a void.

Shu is probably one of the most emotional characters of the series (sometimes even too much on my opinion), so his void would probably be something that reflects that.

Besides, in those "rules" that he's told about... none of them mention extracting his own void, the only limitation that is imposed is regarding age. Probably because it's a crappy ideia and they didn't thought that anyone would be stupid enough to pull this off... but hey, with the Deus Ex Machina everything is possible.
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