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Old 2011-12-28, 17:17   Link #109
Le fou, c'est moi
Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: Las Vegas, NV, USA
Age: 34
Originally Posted by Xagzan View Post
Don't know what you're talking about. I thought flashback Sauron from the prologue of Fellowship was awesome. I don't think it's so unreasonable to envision Melkor and the other Valar as similar to that, except much bigger.
What, flashback Sauron was just...there. Being big bad armored man. It only works because it's a short sequence so you assume there was something more leading up to that point ("the story so far..."). As for LOTR proper, he only works as a villain because there's Saruman, and the Nazgul, and Gollum, and the Balrog, and giant elephants, and huge armies of evil things, as well as drama and dissension within the good side. But mostly Saruman and the Nazgul.

Giant CGI things smashing each other like it was God of War would ruin Silmarillion, utterly. The book "works" because it demands the reader treats it like myth, with respect and all, and fill in their own blanks, their own meaning. Problem is, visual medium fills those blanks -- which is bound to leave someone, probably me, unimpressed. That one Balrog in LOTR was so epic because it was perfectly timed dramatically and it was so dangerous to the little fellowship, one hundred Balrogs versus one thousand super-elves would just be...pedestrian.

But that's neither here nor there, as this is the Hobbit thread. Little hairy-foots are considerably less difficult to translate than myths.
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