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Old 2011-12-30, 08:35   Link #657
Thread Hijacker
Join Date: May 2009
Location: In a hole, I just need to dig myself out
Solace, you don't need to bite my head off......sorry if I'm misinterpretating you, but angry seems to be the way your post is coming across; merely wanted to get my reasoning for the idea out there, and why it could work in more ways then one. I don't understand why you are feeling 'ornary' because I personally have never really been big on requests before nor do I have an attitude, if that's what you think -- I am merely getting my point of view on the subject out there.

As for this thread's popularity, it's because we are aware this thread isn't as active in places beyond the chapter/image threads as it used to be that their are these attempts in the first place; in the end after all, if nothing is done, it all returns to the status quo....whiich doesn't really help with hopefully getting this thread back on it's feet. You say for instance that Claymore isn't as popular as it used to be.....I flat out disagree -- lack of activity lately was just a series of conscious/unconscious things that happened over time with the people; people eventually silently moved on, as is natural in most forums; occasionally, such as Tempest or DragoZERO, they return from the newer series they have recently got into to talk here; others, undoubtedly, are lurkers who view this place often but haven't made an account which is what I commonly see here; my personal story myself. However, all and all, the enthusiastic close-knit group that essentially was this forum, have all largely moved on except for a few.

Not that, of course, many interesting people haven't come in the wake with their own unique views on things. The point is, the story's popularity has nothing to do with the way the forum is nowadays --- as far as I can tell, in terms of numbers, the forum hasn't really changed at's the people, the enthusasiam, which is my concern and target; I want to recoup the same fun and light-heartedness that their used to be around here, since, so much of the fun that comes from this place, isn't even concerning Claymore at all......Claymore and this forum is so small and niche, that almost everyone who comes here are regulars who all know eachother quite well.

Hopefully I'm getting across my standpoint; it's not that this forum has degenerated into nothing and we're "lucky", in terms of numbers and attention, that we still apparently have it as good as we do; if we're talking numbers, I haven't really seen much difference then it used to be (what's different from a few years back, is that their are many more different faces then just the same few people over and over); It's more so what this place could become again, which I know from memory was bigger and more exciting a few years back - it's something it could easily become again if the right steps were taken to get the loads of new people that show up frequently (which is undeniable; I'm seeing new faces all the time) more involved again and not just leave the status quo with the chapter/image threads.....not that that in itself is bad, but again, I know loads more fun could be had if we did it right; it's just a matter of getting the right push in the right direction.

No, It's silly to say Claymore is losing popularity, material etc....and it's honestly silly to say people are losing interest because, as I said, it's not that we have less people coming to these boards or becoming just feels that way, because, now, most people just stay in the chapter/image threads - why? - because that's just how it is: Nobody intended it, nobody meant anything by the other threads losing's wrong to say that it's just a sign that Claymore is losing it's grip and we're lucky we already have it so good -- that's just twisting it all up; The purpose of the game-thread is, as I said - to simply veer all the newcomers and newbies still around to something new which, hopefully, in turn, will introduce the new generation to the old generation of threads we used to have which, hopefully, as you yourself said, will help rebump them with the new info, revitilaze them, bring more oldtimers and newcomers in, and overall, help brighten up this place's sparkle again.

Uh uh, I can say it a million times if I have too - conscious/unconscious inactivity is the true reason this forum feels/seems so down; not because Claymore is losing popularity, or people have simply moved on, etc..... Most of the oldtimers are used to regularly visit are still around; they've merely are now looking at other series, or are busy with real life, or have now started lurking again....that doesn't mean they don't come by often, because seeing a familiar face from the past is a pretty recurring thing, even if they only post something small; they just don't post with the same day-by-day enthusiasm that others, like myself, still possess. Again, it's all about creating some extra incentive for more enthusiasm, to create further excitement to bring even more people in and, overall, spread everybody out more.

If anything, again, it seems like you're trying to do just that in your own way with the anime-rewatch thread; the only difference is I think that the game idea I feel has a greater chance of working and anime-rewatch idea, honestly, probably does not; but in the end, what difference does it make either way?

That seems to be what you tried to do; think about it, you say that my reasoning is wrong and that it's "even more reason" not to allow the game-thread, but what about that anime-rewatch thread? what was the point of creating that in the first place? What if that fails? It's the same basic thing and, more likely then not, it's going to be quicker and faster to potentially fail since it's seemingly a weekly thing (a new episode thread every week). Even though you're arguing against the game thread, in your own way, you also seem to want this forum back up again which is why you bumped up that anime-thread in the first place; their's no guarentee that either one is going to generate more interest or if people even glance at it......really, what it all boils down to is, one is a game thread and one is an anime-rewatch thread.

One at least though at least has the backing and interest of a few people and seems unique, the other is, well, an anime-rewatch thread (and the Claymore anime isn't exactly the most praised thing on earth, especially with regards to the ending >_<) said that two people have already wanted it before, which is nice that you, so quickly actually, did what they wanted.....but if we both have the same goals on helping this place, why not work with the idea more people want to work with and has a better chance of actually succeeding in it's intentions?
"You know, their are as many ways to live as their are people in this world...and each one deserves a closer look."

Last edited by Shiek927; 2011-12-30 at 11:39.
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