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Old 2011-12-30, 15:21   Link #660
Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: The town where Copernicus was born.
Age: 38
So survivor is a "no" but you're considering another poll? That would still be great but IMO that won't generate as much discussion as survivor would. I would still vote for Clare, Teresa, Galatea and Jean (or only on Teresa if it was 1-choice only poll) as I did in the previous one. New characters that were introduced since then changed nothing. But in a Galatea vs. Jean match I would have a dilemma since I like both of them and would have to shoot the one I would want less to advance further. This would create many interesting posts since I would have to convince myself which character I like more or which one is better written using analysis and arguments. That's the best thing in this game - that almost every match is exciting and you're facing a dilemma who to choose. Sometimes you notice something new that way. Of course there would be people who wouldn't be so thorough and just shoot the uglier one but that's another thing that makes this game fun. A poll is much more straightforward and gives less room for any kind of discussions.

The truth is, Claymore is the most popular "old series" on this forum maybe except for Code Geass. So it shouldn't be strange that fans would ask for threads like we asked to gather even more fans. More fans triggers more responses which triggers more fans appearing. Claymore manga has many characters and quite a big, well designed world which gives a broad field to discuss. And survivor would by default trigger discussions and revitalize this forum. Personally, I don't get why moderators here are so restrictive about creating a thread. A thread that isn't necessary or doesn't interest people will die on it's own. The same goes for even most heated discussions where sometimes mods intervene and cut it short even though adversaries themselves were losing interest in it. Maybe you should consider "a day without restrictions" or sth like that when an option of creating a thread would be opened (and to avoid a potential chaos not all sub-forums would be opened at the same day). That way some interesting threads that weren't created for some reason could be created and would receive a probation time where moderators would see whether it's serving it's purpose or is it just spam. Yeah, yeah, I know, it's not democracy. But since it isn't forbidden to speak up one's mind (yet) I'm using my prerogative to do so. Worst case scenario it will be deleted or cut (and I'll be banned :P).

Last edited by relentlessflame; 2011-12-30 at 19:58. Reason: Removed reply to flamebait post
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