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Old 2011-12-31, 13:06   Link #15839
Just another Idiot
Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: Delusion world
Originally Posted by demino_hellsin View Post
And that is the reason they band together. To find a way of having personalized units despite not being personal IS pilots. The brave berserker is feared by everyone because despite her kindness, once she gets into the arena and fight, someone's gonna end up in the sickbay, usually with the berserker's opponent being worse off. The lazy one isn't satisfied with what she's given to work with and often skips class but her talent in IS piloting is the real deal. The engineer, as said before, could be a third year already if only her academics and IS engineering knowledge are taken into account; she's only considered a mediocre student due to poor piloting skills.

I'ma go sleep now. Tired as heck. Happy new year again ya'll!
About the Engineer.....

Err... if I didn't remember wrongly: Even if a student isn't good at piloting, she could still be part of the IS development team, assisting in the developing fellow student's IS...

Therefore she can still advance in her study (as a third student) even if she is poor at piloting, she will just specialize in different field of study....

Edit: Maintenance Branch (Starting from 2nd year onwards) in the novel

Suddenly realization:

I believe that in ISA, there are two field which a Students can go into: Piloting or Engineering (which is why I believe that young Male IS Engineers are rare breed/ is just nearly/plain impossible for them to learn anything about IS without going to ISA which only allow girls to enter...)

With this in mind..... It is kind of sad.

Competing against a Female IS engineer graduated from ISA, would you still want to hire a male IS engineer who had no experience in IS piloting, can never pilot an IS in his entire life and don't know how an IS work?

No wonder they are discriminate against.....

Males have literally little involvement in IS...other than being a boss / part of management in an IS company.... or involved in designing IS-related items such as the pilot suit....which kind of make sense why the IS pilots wear swimsuit...*cough*Revenge-and-fetish*cough*.
Ara Han
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