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Old 2012-01-02, 21:50   Link #207
On a mission
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Sigh... it's not like I don't understand what they're aiming for. I actually liked episode 9 which got these points over far better. Yes, Shu's all traumatized and all, but the way they presented it just makes it too ridiculous to take seriously. They actually managed to try too hard.

So yes, a trauma victim will become catatonic, refuse the input of others, and even lose their sense of preservation. And Gai's a friggin asshole too; I'm not sure pointing a gun at him (even though I would too) is gonna help matters. You just don't do that kind of shit, but it's fair;y evident that both sides are incompetent as hell.

But really, this episode was actually watchable til near the end with Inori trying to understand Shu and actually treating him somewhat better (Really, why is she the one the seems the best this episode) Ayase is Ayase, and really, fuck off too.

Okay, that wasn't bad but the true ugliness came out during the Shu and Hare scene. That's gotta be some of the fakest attempts at sentimentality ever displayed on screen. Why is Hare in love with him again? Oh man, Shu, you just don't try to understand anyone at all.

Although the basic outline of the episode is sound, the way it was done just made everyone look like crap, and this cast is just no longer salvageable.

But don't worry, I'm dropping this series. I hope there's been no hard feelings with anybody. This series was fun to watch at points; and I actually enjoyed the 2 before this but further in and well... let's just say its method of storytelling is incompatible with my own tastes. Maybe if something lights up again, leave me a note.

To paraphrase a friend "I shouldn't have to be trying so hard to enjoy this series". Peace.
It doesn't sound like my love is getting to you.
I will not lose anymore; I will not give up.
More passion than hope, much deeper than despair.... Love!

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Last edited by Archon_Wing; 2012-01-02 at 22:34.
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