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Old 2012-01-05, 06:47   Link #12
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Join Date: Aug 2011
Acording to fate/apocrypha this supposed to be the sixth war then right? Fourth fate/zero, fifth fate/stay night but something doesnt add up... according to what i read isnt rin's teacher waver velvet el melloy the second destroy the holy grail at the end of the fifth war? after fate/hollow ataraxia i guess...or maybe the three family that created the holy grail created it again? or did the destruction fail/incomplete? which cause the reason each participant must bring it's own vessel of the holy grail instead of it being managed by einzbern family.. and it seems according to the wiki the church didnt fully supervised the war instead it create a new class.. a ruler class (saber class...the one that gilles so infatuated with.. joan of arc)which role is to supervise the war just an add on this time i guess... i assume this to prevent problem that cause disaster in the last two war (kirei's cheating, gilles de rais indiscriminated know...) and manage if one arise, it is said in the wiki holy grail usually didnt manage the game directly, i guess the last two war change a lot of things. and from the list of cast why they manage to summon jack the ripper, vlad? isnt they not exactly a heroic spirit (it is said it jack the ripper is a reverse heroic spirit...what does it mean?)? is the holy grail spirit still defiled by angra maiyu? isnt it already taken care of in Fate/ hollow ataraxia? or is it?? and why is it fourteen instead of seven, is it a new rules incorporated by the holy grail maker or just by the whim of the holy grail itself? many question...
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