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Old 2012-01-26, 17:05   Link #2991
The real-life Harima
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: Ephrata, PA
Age: 33
Originally Posted by KMB View Post
Sorry for the double post, but after skimming through this and some other threads dated mid-2009 or later, I've noticed a trend. It seems like a condition that many fans get called 'rewatch-or-reread-SR-once or more-despite-knowing-the-ending-and-get-a-nostalgic-feeling-of-when-SR-was hot - and - feeling connections to the characters - followed by being hit with the ending again and experiencing the disappointment again - then looking for somewhere to vent and/or make sense of their thoughts and feelings about the series - and making their way to animesuki (or other forums with semi-active SR threads) - to relive all the fandom and factionness that used to be going on - and then hold on to some slim, possibly nonexistent hope that SR will be revisited or continued' syndrome.
lol, yes indeed. No anime has been able to fill my SR void. I re-watch it every now and then and feel all the emotions I did when I watched it during high school. I was super attached to Harima and Tenma because I put myself in his place, and a close friend of many years in Tenma's. Needless to say, I pretty much got the same ending as Harima. Even down to her going into the medical field o_O...

I almost bought a motorcycle and traveled the USA but ended up not having enough money. Still on my to-do list.

Waiting for a continuation so I can know what to do with my life, xD...

Last edited by Kondrath; 2012-01-27 at 21:17.
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