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Old 2012-01-27, 07:55   Link #49
ronin myael
lost ronin
Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: in the recesses of my convoluted mind...
Originally Posted by aohige View Post
I've only seen one scanlation version, but I noticed they didn't understand "何リョーシカだよ!" line when the fish kept getting eaten by larger fish.

He said "How-many-ryoshka is that!?", referring to the Russian Matryoshka Dolls. (larger doll contains smaller dolls, and goes on and on)
arigatou aohige-san!

In any case, it'll most likely take some time for some big fights to happen. Oda always builds up his arcs and right now the story is in that phase.
so true. most people would think this stage is boring but in my experience in reading one piece, nothing is insignificant and you should never take anything for granted. reading this series is like piecing together a puzzle so you better pay attention to the details.
"Sometimes you wake up. Sometimes the fall kills you. And sometimes, when you fall, you fly."~ Neil Gaiman (The Sandman)
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