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Old 2012-01-28, 23:35   Link #1221
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Join Date: Jun 2007
Originally Posted by DragoZERO View Post
I think it's unlikely since it's not all written out. And unless Nasu writes the anime series, it's likely to be iffy. I would rather a Tsukihime anime.

Indeed. It's like when someone is drunk, they aren't a different person, they just have less inhibitions and all. Dark Sakura is just drunk on evil. I wish we had some yandere Sakura though, would have been hilarious.
yeah it's not a different persnality. the grail merely dragged out and increased the darkness that was already within Sakura that she had been trying so hard to deny and hide. Kinda like filling up a balloon, as it fills with air (anger, darkness), it gets bigger and bigger until it can;t take it anymore and explodes. or you can do what Shiro and Rin did in that arc and release the air until there is none left.
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