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Old 2012-01-30, 17:56   Link #1636
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Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: Belgium
Age: 40
Originally Posted by Demi. View Post
The K-ON cast always looked like a pack of chipmunks to me, with their bucked teeth whenever they opened their mouth...And the fact that their foreheads were massive in comparison to the rest of their already large head and face...

When a moe centric anime fails to provide me with quality moe character designs, the end result is something akin to K-ON. Also, the one-dimensional nature of the characters was astounding. Yui was always a clueless airhead, Ritsu couldn't last five minutes without teasing Mio into a frightful submission (I mean, she's practically afraid of her own shadow for Christs sake)'s her fault the series never progressed into anything meaningful. It's just not right to coax her entire club into sitting around every day eating sweet, because God forbid any of the characters actually object to it in favor of something more productive. At least Azusa had some sensibility to her, unfortunately the power of sweets was too much for her to overcome in the end as well.

tl;dr I'm perfectly fine with a moe oriented series, but if I'm going to enjoy it, the characters need to at least have some semblance of depth to them...
I agree, I managed to watch the first season, but I paid the price: I felt I had sugar instead of blood in my circulatory system! I didn't watch the second season, I couldn't, too much sweets!!
And I prefer salty food. Nothing to do with anime, but whatever
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