Thread: Licensed Ano Natsu de Matteru
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Old 2012-02-01, 17:26   Link #437
North American Haruhiist
Join Date: Oct 2010
Age: 43
And episode 4 of "Onegai Sempai" manages to be the best episode yet.

I can imagine that little scene between Kaito and Tetsuro after Kaito has another one of his daydreams will launch a thousand yaoi doujinshi. But I do find myself liking the friendship between the two more and more.

As far as Kaito himself goes, I hope that I have finally deduced why a wimpy, below average student like him is the male lead. Perhaps the whole point of it is a coming of age story for him and the rest of his friends, and that "unforgettable summer" is where he discovers his inner Kamina or Tetsuro plays Kamina to his Simon, and Kaito finally becomes a man who is motivated, and maybe he actually starts to assert himself so he won't be forced to be Manami's "toy". In this, Kaito being the way he is would be essential to the story, rather than him being a wimpy protagonist that the viewers can mentally place themselves in his shoes. If showing Kaito undergo some serious character development is the purpose of this, then I will salute the creators and the director.

It was also amusing to see Ichika act borderline yandere for Kaito after she sees him with Manami. Poor little Rinon though.

As always, Remon was good to see. Remon in a swimsuit achievement unlocked. Good job, Kaito! Also I sort of winced when I saw how Kanna is just locking herself out in the friend zone for Kaito. Although that certainly puts Tetsuro then in an interesting position if both Kanna and Mio like him.

Episode nets a 7.5 out of 10 for getting closer to that right mix of comedy and human drama.
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