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Old 2012-02-03, 05:08   Link #58
Join Date: Sep 2010
Location: Under the piercing blue sky
Upon continuing from my previous choices, in chapter 6 the story started developing down a path I didn't like. I didn't want to simply repeat the events of the anime, not now that I have my "mission" already defined in front of me. So, while it might be quite "gamey" to do this, I... "loaded from a previous save" in chapter 5 and chose [8A] + OC2A, replacing my previous choice of [8B] + OC2A.

Ch.5: [8A] + [OC2A] -> Ch.6: [OC3B] -> Mami Lives Ch.1: [MOC1A]

While reading through MOC1A, (and noticing a nice reference to the Fire Sisters from Nisemonogatari) I couldn't help but notice that Kyuubey seemed to be less... insidious, or perhaps opportunistic by telling Mami something encouraging. In my mind I could already imagine him doing the opposite by trying to push Mami "over the edge" emotionally. I'm not sure whether that's a good thing or not, but I do like the seemingly unusual response.

I did have to resist starting over with a new "playthrough", though. For now, I just have that one certain goal in mind. Fully ideal playthroughs can wait later. I'm sticking to most of my earlier choices while I (apparently) haven't made some fatal mistakes yet.

I also find myself in agreement with Kanon's suggestion of an index on page 1 once more releases are out and the pages in the thread increase. Good work on everything so far.
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