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Old 2012-02-11, 23:19   Link #9
Dr. Casey
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Join Date: Nov 2007
Location: Tennessee
Age: 36
Wow, even Henrietta's calling Louise flatchested and trying to steal Saito away? Almost everyone in this series is a bitch (Especially Siesta, the most hilariously annoying and awful human being I think I've ever seen in an anime), I think School Days might have had a more kindhearted cast than this.

I was surprised that Louise berated and even slapped Henrietta, though. I don't remember the first three seasons very well because it's been a long time since I've seen them, so maybe their relationship's become more equal and their interactions more honest, but I remember Louise always treating Henrietta as though she was beyond reproach. I expected Louise to be a lot more reserved in her response to what happened between her and Saito.
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