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Old 2012-02-20, 01:03   Link #59
Critical fanboy
Join Date: Oct 2011
Location: Anywhere with anime and anime discussion is fine
So after 7 episodes, we finally wrap up Karen Bee. While I’m satisfied with how the arc concludes itself, I can point out a couple of flaws in this episode.

I know this is Shaft’s doing, but Koyomi vs Karen scene is way too exaggerated that it distract the brother giving important lecture to his little sister which should be the emphasis of the scene.

Another flaw is Koyomi + Hitagi vs Kaiki. While the conversation itself is interesting, it gives off the anticlimactic feeling although not because of lack of fighting per se. I’m not sure how to convey this, but there were no signs of any emotional conflict, no clashes between ideals, not a single character displayed some form of self doubt or moved by what another character said. This can be tone down if characters displayed more dispositions during their conversation.

Looking on the bright side, this arc expands a lot in terms of character dynamics especially how Koyomi being a rather cool, reliable, and caring big brother toward Karen for a change. We also get to learn more about bonding between Shinobu and Koyomi after what happened in Kizu. Lastly, this arc also develops Hitagi x Koyomi relationship to the next level. Of course for those who enjoy fanservices, they get what they want from everyone of the main characters. Yes, even our hero Koyomi gets his share of it.

Overall, I still like Nise as a whole as much as Bake, but I can’t argue that most of Bake climax scenes left me more sentimental than what I’ve just experienced in this episode. That said, I’m still looking forward to next week to learn more about Tsukihi in her own arc and other aspects this series has yet to offer.
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