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Old 2012-02-20, 15:14   Link #10
Join Date: Dec 2011
Age: 30
That eerie face-melting nightmare combined with Izumi's pseudo-accusation of Kouichi being the other made me think that the possibility that our MC is the other has been hinted at too heavily, and most likely is a red-herring. Plus, Mei pretty much straight up told him that he isn't the dead one.

I guess I was correct about her doll eye being able to see the 'other', eh? That makes me wonder if Mei knows whom the dead one is, and simply refuses to tell anyone about it. It could be her stillborn sister, I guess. Or Ritsuko actually had twins, and only one of them survived. *shrug*

So apparently, our protagonist and the twin tails feel like they've shaken hands prior to Kouichi's arrival in Yomiyami. I've given this quite some thought, but blah; I've got nothing.

I'm worried that Mei will fade out of existence as she does in the ED somewhere near, if not at the very end of the story.

Swimsuit episode will be delish ~
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