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Old 2012-02-26, 18:02   Link #193
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Join Date: Feb 2012
Originally Posted by Flower View Post
Okay - finished up watching all three seasons of the Full Metal Panic series: that is, the original one, "the second raid" and fumoffu.

First off I am not a mecha fan - it just is not all that interesting to me as a subject matter in of itself.

That being said, of the three series the first one was easily my favorite. The second raid showed a little bit of growth for the male lead, and fumoffu, while admittedly absurd and filled with recycled dumb humor at times, had some genuine moments where the Sosuke and Chidori were a little honest with each other.

To be honest I was often frustrated by extreme portrayals of Chidori and her aggressive, perhaps even nasty attitude and behavior contrasted with Sosuke's outright denseness towards reality around him. For me it felt as if there was very little growth with either of them overall, and the "reason" was so that the extremes could be a continuous vein to mine for over-used dumb humor. Sometimes using this method "works", but for me it did not work in the three series, and quite frankly it got in the way at times.

Overall not that bad, but for me not something I would watch all the way through again - maybe season one, but not the others. Mecha fans might enjoy it more, as there is plenty of mecha and "specialized technology" present.
Well, I'd have to say that the story has just begun if u just watched the anime. I found fumoffu hilarious due to it only being made as a comedy. But, in no way was it used to push the story so the relationship between sosuke and chidori never really got to a new ground during it. However, if u really want to see the real relationship between them burst out and consume everything i recommand u read Sigma or the novels. I'm not saying its a bad thing that the relationship would do this, in fact i loved it. Sosuke finally starts to show more emotion after the events of TSR and is shown to really care for Chidori. I really wish i could tell u more but i don't want to spoil the fun for anyone.
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