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Old 2012-02-27, 08:24   Link #2078
Osana-Najimi Shipper
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Mt. Ordeals
Interestingly enough, Zessica isn't as forward with her advances after she isn't half fooling around anymore. Which, while giving another dimension to her character, makes me a bit sad because it was her forwardness that made me like her in the first place.

As for Andy, after all that GAR speeches and saving Mix not once, but twice from enemy fire, AND he still doesn't get to Gattai? Even after saying he wants his first Gattai to be with Mix (d'aaaawwwww!)... goddamit, it wasn't funny this time around. T_T

Yes its YOU childhood friend - source of BERZERKER RAGE since forever
Childhood Friend couple STATISTICS(spoilers abound though)
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