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Old 2012-02-29, 16:14   Link #64
Roger Rambo
Sensei, aishite imasu
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Hong Kong Shatterdome
As long as you don't go and do something creepy and start burning your copies of the book because they're getting hitched in series I suppose it's not THAT creepy

Also, take a close look at the familiy meeting where the men negotiate price sand the women are fraternizing. The mother for the boys is the devious scary smiling girl. I think we can figure out now why the father has such a worn down expression, that woman is probably a pain

I'm really getting a vibe with Otoyome-Gatari, that Ms Mori is reacting to not being able to do enough stories with side characters in Emma. So even pretty early on the narrative is shifting away from our introduced main characters in order to focus on a different self contained cast, the only connection being "doctor" Smith*.

*Am I the only one that LOL'ed when Smith realized the perfect way to manipulate his guide into letting him hang around longer and do more doctor stuff?
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