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Old 2012-03-03, 21:17   Link #2268
Carpe Diem
Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: ||At the edge of finality.||
Age: 34
Originally Posted by Chaos2Frozen View Post
The words were never said, but between their near confession in episode 5 and their near kiss in episode 9, they're pretty much on the borderline of love where Zen wants them to be... Which again was what they've pointed out again in the date episode... At this point they are in a pseudo-seeing-each-other relationship but within the restrictions of the [Love in Forbidden] rule.
I still say its suspicious that our lover-boy didn't go flying but, in fact, fell into a hole dug out by Fudo. Its completely reversed from what we had in Episode 5, and my brain keeps defaulting to "Call in the A-Team!"

Originally Posted by cyberdemon View Post
Zessica "will betray" does not necessarily = "Want to betray". A possible idea is that Amata and Mikono truly fall in love and she sees so. She disappears for a little and Mikage shows up in front of her. He ends up messing with her mind like he did with those pilots. Feeding that jealousy she feels heavily till it controls her. making her seek to get rid of Mikono even if it means giving her to the enemy like they want. Amata would eventually snap her out of it but would be too late because they'd have Mikono by then.
It would be poetic, in a way, if it all worked out that way (or similar) as the girl who was responsible for making Mikono jealous, ends up falling to jealousy instead. But, at the same time, it's been drilled into our heads that Mikono is the one to easily jump to conclusions and get jealous. So it can swing either way but they'd need to do a little more work with Zessica than with Mikono...

...Or they'll just pull a Mykage-Mind-Control!
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