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Old 2012-03-03, 23:38   Link #2273
Senior Member
Join Date: Jan 2010
Zessica betraying the place over jealousy doesn't make sense, unless something big is revealed about her or she's kidnapped/brainwashed. First of, her jealousy seems the bottled up brooding type, rather the lashing out type that Mikono presents. She keeps things for herself, so far, rather than moving into action. Her jealousy is also more justified than based on misunderstandings.

She's also trained there for God knows how long, has many friends (she knew about M I X for one). Unlike Mikono, for instance, who only has a solid connection with Amata and her brother (and both relationships can sour or shift if she feels more connected to Kagura). She's more anchored in there. I can see Mikono leaving not out of betrayal!1! but trying to establish a contact with Altair and due to her remorse involving Kagura. But really, Zessica doesn't really have any foreshadowing for that.

"Who would understand you after I die? Who else would march forward by your side?"
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