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Old 2004-12-29, 19:57   Link #77
Reverend K-Rist
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: America's Wang.
Age: 40
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I. am. not. a. Goth.

Tho, I find it amusing that...rather then accept reality, you people would rather berrate, insult, and ficticiously lable me.

Originally Posted by AnimeOni
I totally agree. CNN, BBC, and other news channel shows that the US IS the top donor (contrary to the UN statements). Not only that, I know that our state's search and rescue team has left. That's over 2,000 people - more than the population of some of the island there! My company (and many private companies and individuals) also matched over $2Mil USD of donations. Yes, we did lose five co-workers (confirmed). The local TV channels so far has collected almost $5Mil to give the the Red Cross. I hope this is enough to meet the UN and Europe standards.
Very nice to hear about all the donation of man and money from you area.
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