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Old 2012-03-08, 21:01   Link #33
Senior Member
Join Date: Jul 2007
Here is what I think. Meteorite and Virus is alien life form. Daath is also of the same origin. It may be the research Shu's father is doing triggered the aliens from arriving earth in the first place. The whole event is a test thrown against humanity.

Mana is no longer human once infected. Since Shu being the first embryo infected, it naturally became her choice of Adam since they both are essentially true hybrids, although in different ways. Where as Mana is dominated by the alien virus and had personality altered due to the exposure, Shu is essentially a successful integration of alien virus in a human new born. One could say Mana is the failure and Shu is the success and thus Mana wants to merge with Shu.

I predict Shu/Inori(from inside Mana) will change Mana at the end and allow them to determine the future. Shu will die but Inori will live on and transform the virus from a curse to a blessing to mankind.
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