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Old 2012-03-14, 21:40   Link #3989
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Originally Posted by Aldaeus View Post
I believe we have determined something, Sumisawa is the George Lucas of the Anime industry... taking the rough gem of our childhoods that was Wing, and smashing it with a really big sledgehammer.

Looking at the man in the photograph of Frozen, I believe without any prior information on it, we may be looking at one of the Kushrenada's possibly Treize's grandfather on his mother's side Cinquante. He certainly has that creepy/political look about him leaning over the chair. My reasoning behind this is because by the biological clock it can't be Ein Yuy, who at this point may be a baby, or very young child. (Assuming off of Heero (Politician)'s age and that Ein is his great nephew.)

I do suspect that one of the twins will die... however I do not expect it to be Katrina... I would suspect Sabrina to be the one to die. Enough crap goes down in the colonies during this period to off Sabrina pretty easily... The UESA is beginning to crack down on the colonies, rebellions are taking place... And according to the timeline in the back of the Episode Zero book, AC 147 The Alliance forces are stationed at each colony and they place proxy bases in each nation thus beginning their military domination of the Earth Sphere. So lots of fuel to spark rebellions and anti-Alliance movements...

During this period Heero (Politician) is shown to have started to get involved with the colonies politics, thus painting a big fat target on his back for the Alliance to try to hit... I doubt he'd want Sabrina anywhere near him. (Also as stated above we're all assuming that Heero (Politician) is related to Heero (Pilot) beyond a code-name, and a vengeful Dr. J who happened to be a university buddy of Heero (Politician).
But remember that Sabrina took her sister's name, as Sabrina Peacecraft is officially dead. Meanwhile, the real Katrina is Wyvern's pilot. Therefore, from my point of view at least, "Queen Katrina" (Sabrina) is more likely to survive, while Wyvern's pilot is more likely to die because of her activities
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