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Old 2012-03-17, 07:13   Link #53
Shitpost Gremlin
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: Formerly Iwakawa base and Chaldea. Now Teyvat, the Astral Express & the Outpost
Age: 44
Originally Posted by mecharobot View Post
I don't know, I personally like this:
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over this:
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Look man, I know you have reactionary tendencies, anyone who have read your post history would have gotten the clue already. But if you want comparison, AT LEAST, make FAIR comparisons, this means, characters from the SAME fcking genres.

Compare Kenshiro, with any leads of the Big Three of the 2000s, because HnK IS a shounen manga. Compare Tomoya Okazaki to Kyosuke Kasuga from Kimagure Orange Road. And there you can talk. The comparison between the two is a big stretch, but ultimately, Clannad and Orange Road are tales of growth, and I cannot say that, in term of personality, character development and depth, Tomoya Okazaki does that bad unlike what you make it to be. And before you accuse me of anti-1980s bias, I watched BOTH series and Madoka hold a special place in my heart, for starting my love for bishoujos with long dark hair. While Hikaru irritated the shit out of me for getting of the way of my shipping, so I'll take Kyou and Tomoyo over her anytime.

However, Naruto is more comparable to Son Goku than Kenshiro, while Ichigo is more comparable to Yusuke Urameshi. And Luffy is... well, Luffy, perhaps more comparable to pre-Z Son Goku.
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